Klamath River Overlook

Trail Name: Klamath River Overlook

Date Hiked: 11/28/20

Area: Redwood National and State Parks

Mileage: 1 total

Elevation Gain: 360 ft

NOTE: Whether you actually take the trail to the overlook or just watch the sunset from the parking lot, this spot has some great views that you’ll surely want to remember.

After a full day of hiking around Redwood National & State Parks, Emily and I headed back to our campsite at Flint Ridge, but the sun was setting and we still had Klamath Overlook left on our list of to-dos. We crossed the river and jetted up to the overlook to join the groups of people that were getting ready for the sunset. The parking lot was small (10ish spots), but we were able to find a space, use the bathroom, and get a couple of beautiful photos.

The views from the overlook were absolutely extraordinary, we would’ve been fine just taking those and leaving – but curiosity got the better of us. We just couldn’t walk away from the overlook without finding out what was at the end of the overlook trail. It was only a half mile trail, so we had nothing to lose and set off down the path.

The thin trail descends steeply with some switchbacks through coastal grass and scrub. The whole way down you have views of the Klamath River. It’s interesting that you’re getting lower and still able to get different views along the way. Once the trail flattens out for a minute and comes to an intersection, make sure you hang a left and go down to the overlook, rather than staying on the coastal trail.

Eventually, the trail leads to a rocky outcrop bordered by sheer cliffs and an old railing. Since the outcrop juts out more into the ocean than the overlook above, it gives you a cool perspective looking south to Redwood, as well as up the coast to the north. It’s an absolutely gorgeous spot for photos and we were glad we went down to it.

After taking some photos we hoofed it back up the hill in the fading light. The hill made sure we got some exercise in before we made it back to the car, back to camp, and called it a night.